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single monetary policy中文是什么意思

用"single monetary policy"造句"single monetary policy"怎么读"single monetary policy" in a sentence


  • 统一货币政策


  • On the single monetary policy in the euro area
  • That is the single monetary policy which will be discussed at the next european union conference
  • The euro has adopted the single monetary policy , but each country acts of its own free will in terms of banking regulation
  • The european monetary system and its exchange rate mechanism , which aimed to control exchange rate movements among member state currencies , would only be fully achieved through the establishment of a single currency and a single monetary policy
    在通往取消汇率波动的道路上(这一目标的彻底实现取决于建立单一货币以及单一货币政策) ,旨在对成员国货币兑换率进行控制的欧洲货币体系及其汇率机制仅仅起一个补给站的作用。
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